2024年PropTech Excellence Awards頒獎典禮 The PropTech Excellence Awards Ceremony 2024

今天,我們很榮幸能夠出席由香港房地產科技協會主辦、香港數碼港協辦的2024年PropTech Excellence Awards頒獎典禮。能夠獲取入圍獎,是對我們核心技術的肯定,我們的核心技術不僅能用於中藥,還可應用於其他行業,如建築業的反詐欺應用。

We are honoured to attend the PropTech Excellence Awards Ceremony 2024 today, as organised by Hong Kong PropTech Association and co-organised by Cyberport Hong Kong. By receiving the finalist certificate in person, this is a great recognition that our core technology is not just for Chinese Medicines, and can extent to other industry like construction anti-fraud applications.