我們很榮幸在5月16日至17日舉行的2024年亞洲健康高峰論壇上展示我們的可追溯和快速檢測技術,它將應用於 Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. 的不同沉香產品。歡迎蒞臨香港會議展覽中心3F-A04展廳 香港數碼港館與我們交談。
We are privileged to showcase our Traceability and Rapid Testing technology in applying to different Agarwood products from Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. at the Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH) 2024 from May 16 to 17. Welcome to visit and talk to us at the Cyberport Hong Kong pavilion at Hall 3F-A04, HKCEC.