斐歷醫藥科技: 2022香港資訊及通訊科技 銀獎得主 Filix Medtech: 2022 Hong Kong ICT Silver Awards Winner

2022香港資訊及通訊科技 銀獎得主

很高興和榮幸獲得香港資訊及通訊科技獎 – 初創企業組別(社會影響)銀獎。非常感謝召集人WTIA – Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association ,Cyberport Hong Kong ,遇到的所有客人和我們的團隊!


2022 Hong Kong ICT Silver Awards Winner

We are delighted and honoured to receive the Hong Kong ICT Awards – Startup Category (Social Impact) Silver Award. Thanks a lot for the organiser WTIA – Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association, Cyberport Hong Kong, all guests we met today and our team!!

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the awardees today!!

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