We are Filix MedTech. We make Chinese Medicines Traceable with Blockchain Technology and beyond.

What we do?

We engage Enterprise grade Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for product traceability in various stages of the supply chain with mobile Near-Infra-Red (NIR) spectroscopy technology and computer vision as well as advanced data analytics to facilitate on-spot verification of Chinese Medicines products. We hope this can provide extra trust at consumer level and can bring some changes to a traditional industry.

Our Team

Our team consists of professionals from different scopes, including Blockchain and more.

Our Latest News and Media Coverage

  • 第二次沉香工作坊 The Second Agarwood Workshop

    我們很高興與Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd合作,於2月28日在香港數位港舉辦了第二場成功的沉香木體驗工作坊。 如果您錯過了,請繼續關注我們的下一次活動! We are delighted to have another successful Agarwood Experience workshop hosted in collaboration with Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. at Cyberport Hong Kong on 28/2. If you have missed, please stay tuned for our next event!!

  • 中藥展2024節目 The Chinese Medicines Exhibiton 2024

    香港中藥藥劑師協會 Dr.Wesley Chow 及我們的創始人黃偉江先生將於 3 月 10 日 (星期日) 下午 3 時至 4 時在2024年中藥展中以“香港與沉香”為題發表演說。 講座以中文進行,有關其他展覽/講座的更多信息,請訪問以下網站: 中藥普及展2024 (google.com)場地指引:怎樣來中藥園 | 賽馬會老圍中藥園 (lwchg.hk) 香港與沉香主講︰香港中藥藥劑師協會周若龍博士、黃偉江註冊中醫師日期︰2024/03/10(星期日)時間︰下午03:00 至 下午04:00實體活動名額︰25位線上活動名額︰500位概要︰介紹香港與沉香的關係、歷史沿革,及香藥的醫藥臨床應用價值。詳情及報名:中藥普及展2024 (google.com)交通及前往路線:怎樣來中藥園 | 賽馬會老圍中藥園 (lwchg.hk) Dr Wesley Chow from HKCMPA (香港中藥藥劑師協會) and our founder Wai Kong Wong will be speaking at the Chinese Medicines Exhibition 2024 on Mar 10 (Sunday) 3-4 pm for…

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