斐歷醫藥科技拜訪馬來西亞的合作夥伴 Filix MedTech Visits Partners in Malaysia

斐歷醫藥科技拜訪了在馬來西亞的合作夥伴Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. 並瞭解了很多他們的優質沉香產品。把我們可追溯、可驗證和可持續的技術應用在其產品,確實是一個很好提升價值的例子。還要感謝adrieent tan 將我們與Taylor’s University Sook Wah Chan 博士聯繫起來,並有機會在他們的聲望校園展示我們正在做的事情。同時很高興了解到在馬來西亞,除了中藥之外,我們的技術還能應用於其他的農業產品上。 希望今後能與Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. 和Taylor’s University 有更多的合作機會。

We just had a fruitful trip to Malaysia to visit our partner Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. and learnt a lot of their premium cultivated Agarwood products. It is indeed a very good use case in applying our Traceable, Verifiable and Sustainable technology to add value to their products. Thanks also to adrieent tan for connecting us to Dr. Sook Wah Chan of Taylor’s University and the opportunity for a presentation at their prestige campus of what we are doing. I am pleased to know that there are still many possible use cases for application of our technology for other agricultural products in Malaysia, and beyond Chinese Medicines.

We hope we will have more collaborations with both Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. and Taylor’s University going forward.