斐歷醫藥科技與天大中藥有限公司及香港高等教育科技學院簽署合作備忘錄! Filix MedTech Signed an MOU with Tianda Chinese Medicine Limited & THEi!

2023年4月11日 斐歷醫藥科技與天大中藥有限公司及香港高等教育科技學院科技學院簽署合作備忘錄,天大藥業有限公司(一家於香港聯交所上市的公司,股份代號:0455)的子公司。

特別感謝尊貴的嘉賓 – Cyberport Hong Kong 行政總裁 Mr Peter YAN, JP,太平紳士;天大集團董事長 方亞倫先生;天大中醫藥有限公司董事 楊玉華女士及香港高等教育科技學院科技學院院長 潘國良教授,見證今次的里程碑。 希望這種緊密的夥伴關係能夠促進中醫藥的研發、工業應用和現代化發展。

We are delighted to announce the signing of MOU with Tianda Chinese Medicine Limited, a subsidiary of Tianda Pharmaceuticals Limited (a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stock code: 0455) and the Technological and Higher Education Institution of Hong Kong (THEi) on 11th April 2023. We would especially like to thank our honourable guests – Mr Peter YAN, JP, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong; Chairman of Tianda Group, Mr Alan FANG; Director of Tianda Chinese Medicine Limited, Ms Yuhua YANG and Dean of THEi Faculty of Science and Technology, Professor K. L. PUN; for witnessing us reaching this milestone.

We hope this close partnership can enhance research and development, industrial applications and modernisation of Chinese Medicine going forward.