數碼港成立二十周年慶典 暨 數碼港創業計劃畢業禮 2023 Cyberport 20th Anniversary Celebration cum Cyberport Entrepreneurship Programmes Graduation Ceremony 2023

我們很高興得知我們的數碼港創業計畫畢業典禮與數碼港 20 週年慶典同年舉行,很高興能夠參加 11 月 29 日的慶祝派對。


We are thrilled to know that our Cyberport Incubation Programme Graduation Ceremony was the same year as Cyberport’s 20th Anniversary and so happy to be part of the celebration party on November 29.

Happy 20th anniversary to Hong Kong Cyberport and thanks for the support during our incubation period!!