2023年度 ACCA 商業策劃大比拼 ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2023

回顧 11 月 11 日舉行的 2023年度 ACCA 商業策劃大比拼,我們很高興得知三個學生團隊選擇我們的商業案例成功入圍並下週六(12 月 2 日)的決賽。 我祝他們一切順利,迫不及待地等待他們示範商業提案!

A throwback to the ACCA HK Business Competition Professional Workshop on Nov 11 which we are pleased to know three student teams selected our business case were successfully shortlisted to the final competition on the coming Saturday (Dec 2). I wish them all the best of luck and can’t wait for their presentation of the business proposals!