中藥普及展 2024:香港與沉香 Chinese Medicine Popularization Exhibition 2024: Hong Kong and Agarwood

香港中藥藥劑師協會的Dr.Wesley Chow和我們的創始人黃偉江先生將於下週日(3 月10 日)在中藥展覽會2024 暢談“香港與沉香”,若您未能親身出席,亦可透過互聯網與我們會面:


講座以中文進行,於下午 3:00 開始。

For those who can’t join us in person for the talk “Hong Kong and Agarwood” by Dr Wesley Chow from HKCMPA (香港中藥藥劑師協會) and our founder Wai Kong Wong at the Chinese Medicines Exhibition 2024 on coming Sunday (Mar 10), you can also join us virtually:


The talk is in Chinese and will start at 3:00 pm.